The PC Lounge can be more dynamic than just a space with rows of computers. Depending on the size and scale, the space can also provide seating areas or storage lockers, giving more features to the students. This component is a great way to create a space where students can sit and socialize between classes or even meet up to watch professional matches together. the specifications of the computers themselves and the implementation of more technology outside of the computers. The computers in the PC Lounge are typically on the higher end, with graphics cards and memory that allow for the best gaming experience possible.
But the PC Lounge is, unfortunately, not an all-encompassing solution, with the biggest drawback being on the competitive side of things. This facility type generally is designed for the larger student population, where competitive teams are not given a specific space to practice or compete. Now, this can be resolved through either dedicated computers within the facility or dedicated hours, but this would take away use from the larger student population.
As a facility type, the PC Lounge can be the cheaper, simple solution for schools that are just beginning their journey into the larger realm of esports. While on the surface the space does not address the competitive portions of the esports program, the PC Lounge is a great foundational piece on which a competitive program can be built for the future.
The PC Lounge can be more dynamic than just a space with rows of computers.
Depending on the size and scale, the space can also provide seating areas or storage lockers, giving more features to the students. This component is a great way to create a space where students can sit and socialize between classes or even meet up to watch professional matches together.
The next post in the series will focus on the Training Facility, a unique solution for schools that want to become the leaders on the competitive side. Check out our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to keep up to date with everything going on at Moake Park!